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    Mon-Fri: 09:00 – 17:00

    +372 639 7939





CompuCash 5/Inventory/

Purchase import

Compucash web office makes it possible to import purchase invoices from a .CSV file. Purchase import module can be found under Inventory and Purchase import. Before importing purchase invoices you should check that products in the .CSV file exist in Compucash, purchase import can create new products but to make sure new products get assigned into correct product groups and have sale prices it’s recommended to import the products separately beforehand.
A tutorial on importing products can be found HERE.

Preparing the .CSV file

When importing products from a .CSV file the order and the number of columns is not important, imported columns can be selected under configuration, however purchase import requires the following fields to exist and have values:
Barcode/Product number – this is used as an identifier NB! The file needs to have either a Barcode or a Product number, both are not mandatory.
Quantity – amount of product on the purchase invoice
Unit price – determines the price, which the product is added to the store, this will affect self/net price.

These are all the fields required for purchase import, when importing into multiple stores at once or the file contains data from multiple suppliers the respective columns should also be defined.

When we have a file that contains at least the previously listed fields the importing can be configured.

Import configuration

The first step is to choose the file, either by clicking Add a new file or dragging the file on it. After that we select the separator and load the preview, Import type should be Delivery note.

When the preview is loaded the column selection allows us to choose the columns we want to import.

The last step before we can import is to edit Configuration.

Product identifiers – this will be used to identify the product, because we defined the product number in the previous step we’ll select Product number here as well, if the identification is done through barcode then barcode should be selected here
Use defined document name – allows to set a custom name for the purchase invoice
Allow duplicate documents – if a document with the same name already exist an error will not be displayed
Use defined store – allows to manually set the store, where the purchase invoice is imported to
Store match type – Strict means the store name in the .CSV file has to match the store name in Compucash exactly, Loose allows for some variation, for example the case of letters is ignored
Use defined supplier – allows to manually set the supplier for the purchase invoice
Supplier match type – Strict means the store name in the .CSV file has to match the supplier name in Compucash exactly, Loose allows for some variation, for example the case of letters is ignored
Allow to create a supplier – allows the importer to create a supplier it doesn’t exist in the system
Undo if supplier could not be matched – will halt and undo the import when a supplier for a product cannot be matched
Allow product creation – when a product in the file doesn’t exist in Compucash it will be created
Mark new products as unfinished – products created by the import will not be activated and will appear in the system as inactive or passive
Undo if product could not be matched or created – will halt and undo the import when a product doesn’t exist in the system or the purchase import fails to create it
Skip first row – as in the example .CSV files often have the first row as column headers, this row should be skipped

After the configuration has been set it has to be Saved. By clicking Import the products will be imported from the file into the system, also a summary window is displayed, any errors that occurred will be displayed there as well. When the import is successful the summary window will display information about created purchase invoices. For the last step the imported purchase has to be accepted by going Inventory and Purchases, before accepting it’s recommended to do one final check on the products, quantities and prices.

Saving the configuration profile

When the import is done often to import purchases the configuration can be saved under a profile.
Private – this profile is only displayed for the user who saved it
Default – this profile is loaded by default

Saved profile can be loaded under Profile menu.