  • CompuCash is designed to simplify sales processes, avoid loss of money and goods, control and monitor your business, integrate your work flows, and enable optimal customer service.


    Mon-Fri: 09:00 – 17:00

    +372 639 7937

    501 9099 (outside business hours, urgent issues)


  • CompuAccess is a convenient solution for planning work schedules and measuring actual work time that includes automated functions as well as detailed functions for different types of work. Meaningful reports for making smart decisions and providing valuable input for payroll accounting.




    Mon-Fri: 09:00 – 17:00

    +372 639 7939



  • Maintenance:

    Mon-Fri: 09:00 – 17:00

    +372 639 7937

    501 9099 (outside business hours, urgent issues)


  • Maintenance:

    Mon-Fri: 09:00 – 17:00

    +372 639 7939




Call systems

Have you ever wondered how much time and labour costs you could save and how you could streamline customer service by using a call system?

We offer three types call systems: staff paging, customer paging and waiter paging.

Staff paging

For communication between the kitchen and service floor. Kitchen staff can notify waiters that the food is ready to be served. Needless running, cold food and noisy bell rings should be ancient history. We can provide your service staff with stylish watches or pagers attached to the waist.

Customer paging

You can notify the customer that their order is ready. The list of potential areas of application is extensive.

Waiter paging

By pressing a button the customer can ask for the bill, or press another to call a waiter or use the third one to cancel the last button press.

Members of the service staff only travel between the kitchen and the service floor if there is actual need. The waiter arrives at the table as soon as possible after the customer has indicated that he/she intends to place additional orders or pay the bill. The customers know exactly when is their turn to take a seat at the table or fetch their food. All this is made possible by call systems supplied by Ektaco.

The call systems offer a solution to the most common challenges faced by catering businesses. These systems allow:

  • Streamlining work flows
  • Improving service quality
  • Ensuring that your staff members are always performing the required  tasks
  • Reducing personnel costs
  • Enhancing customer satisfaction

Easy to integrate


Our call systems are used by

Related products

    • Waiter paging

      Ask price

      A small device with several buttons allowing the client to ask for a check, invite a waitress or cancel all previous klicks.

      Technical details

      Waiter paging

    • Client paging

      Ask price

      A small device that informs the client about their turn. Can be used in many fields - restaurants, cafeterias, but also selling tickets.

      Technical details

      Client paging

    • Staff paging

      Ask price

      Meant for communication between the citchen and service people. The kitchen can notify about the food being ready. Helps to avoid unnecessary running around and the dishes getting cold.

      Technical details

      Staff paging

Looking for solutions that work?

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phone +372 654 2150

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    CompuCash is designed to simplify sales processes, avoid loss of money and goods, control and monitor your business, integrate your work flows, and enable optimal customer service.
    CompuAccess is a convenient solution for planning work schedules and measuring actual work time that includes automated functions as well as detailed functions for different types of work. Meaningful reports for making smart decisions and providing valuable input for payroll accounting.
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