  • CompuCash is designed to simplify sales processes, avoid loss of money and goods, control and monitor your business, integrate your work flows, and enable optimal customer service.


    Mon-Fri: 09:00 – 17:00

    +372 639 7937

    501 9099 (outside business hours, urgent issues)


  • CompuAccess is a convenient solution for planning work schedules and measuring actual work time that includes automated functions as well as detailed functions for different types of work. Meaningful reports for making smart decisions and providing valuable input for payroll accounting.




    Mon-Fri: 09:00 – 17:00

    +372 639 7939



  • Maintenance:

    Mon-Fri: 09:00 – 17:00

    +372 639 7937

    501 9099 (outside business hours, urgent issues)


  • Maintenance:

    Mon-Fri: 09:00 – 17:00

    +372 639 7939




Best customer service in a restaurant with CompuCash

White Guide Nordic announced 2019 TOP 30 Baltic restaurants and we are proud that 13 of the use CompuCash point of sale system. Restaurant business is harsh and the reasons for some to blossom and others to disappear are several.

Three restaurants from last year TOP 30 are closed by now. In addition to the delicious food and pleasant atmosphere it is very important to take care of everything in the organisational side.

It is said that as one goes to a restaurant because of the food but returns thanks to the good service. What are the main shortcomings in customer service and CompuCash helps to overcome these?

1. Kitchen and dining area are not connected.

The communication among cooks and waiters should be as smooth and quick as possible. This makes it possible to inform your client about a possible delay or some food in the menu being not available as one ingredient is finished. CompuCash kitchen display is showing the made orders to the cooks at once and the cooks can keep the waiters informed about the progress.

2.Orders get mixed up.

It is really disappointing when after a long waiting time you are served a wrong dish, the one you haven’t really ordered. It is inconvenient for both, the customer and the restaurant and wastes resources in both sides. To avoid situations like that you need to use a well-functioning ordering system that allows you to take orders straight from the tables, mark client special wishes and send the orders quickly to your kitchen. CompuCash can offer you a mobile solution for taking orders for Android and iOS. To download you application click here: Google Play or AppStore.  To set it up, please contact: sales@ektaco.ee.

3.Too long waiting time.

Regardless that we count on longer waiting times while visiting a restaurant no one really likes to wait too long. The waiting time can be shortened if the waiter can take orders from several tables in a row without a need to go back and forth to the kitchen and dining area and the cooks can plan better in which sequence to prepare the dishes. CompuCash mobile app and the kitchen display make this process smooth and easy.

4. Payments.

It is considered a non-appropriate behaviour if a waiter brings the bill as soon as the customer has finished the dish. But it is the same stupid situation when the client has to walk around to look for the waiter to bring the bill. You should take into account situation when the clients wish to pay jointly some part of the bill and some separately and use different payment methods for it. CompuCash is of good help in this kind of situation allowing you to combine different payment methods and even print our bills in different language.

5.Lack of personal approach.

A good waiter will serve each customer with a personal touch, pays attention to him/her and finds out about his/her satisfaction.  Not only the first impression is important but also how the visit ends and how the good-by and visit us again is said. It would be great if you can offer a happy customer an option to have his/her loyalty card for future visits. With CompuCash the loyalty customer registration is smooth and easy, also using his/her ID-card.

6. Misunderstandings.

There can happen situations in service when a client claims one and the waiter is sure in something else. In order to avoid such arguments you can install video cameras into your restaurant, The video cameras can be integrated with CompuCash point-of-sale system and then you can monitor the action in real time, for example through your mobile.

7. No overview.

Your customers will understand the mess in your side rather quickly. One of the usual mistakes is that your personnel is not divided too well between times and tasks. In the CompuCash dashboard you can find out the times when you have the biggest number of visitors and plan the staff accordingly. Of course you can also get quick overview about your sales numbers through the dashboard or detailed sales report in compucash5.com. And the last but not least, you can also use CompuCash for your staff planning.

Each visit to a restaurant should be a tiny luxury, where all is perfect, the food, atmosphere and service. All details are important part of the experience. Ideal client service should make the client feel warmly welcome and let them enjoy the food.

CompuCash for your restaurant - find out more and ask your personal offer.

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    CompuCash is designed to simplify sales processes, avoid loss of money and goods, control and monitor your business, integrate your work flows, and enable optimal customer service.
    CompuAccess is a convenient solution for planning work schedules and measuring actual work time that includes automated functions as well as detailed functions for different types of work. Meaningful reports for making smart decisions and providing valuable input for payroll accounting.
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